Kids are fascinated by the world around them. They love looking at colours, shapes, size and especially number of objects. Numbers are the basis of Mathematical learning and patterning, so encouraging number is a must in your child’s world.
Lots of people think that if a child can count to 100 then they have worked numbers out. Counting is one aspect of learning about number, but there is so much more to it.
When little ones are starting out with number, grab some number cards and objects and practice numbers to 10 first, then move on to 20.
- Count forwards to 20
- Count backwards from 20
- Count objects one to one
- Counting forwards from any given number to 20
- Find patterns in numbers (1 and 10 both have a ‘1’, numbers past 10 have two digits etc)
- Order number cards forwards
- Order number cards backwards
- Order random numbers from smallest to largest, largest to smallest
- Skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at a random number for a challenge.
- Look at numbers on coins
- Look for numbers in the world around you - in the home, outside, on signs, in books
Tens frames are a very useful tool children can use to manipulate numbers to 10. These are a two by five rectangular frame that counters can be placed on to. The counters (or objects) can be arranged in different ways to represent different numbers which is a great way visually to help children develop a strong number sense. Tens frames are a helpful way to learn basic number facts, and to consolidate addition and subtraction facts.
We have a variety of different tens frame games and resources in store and online you might like to try. You can also make your own ten frames by drawing them in chalk on the ground, or in the dirt, or on a white board. Use your favourite natural objects or small counters from home to make different number combinations.
Games like ‘Tiny Polka Dot’ help children with number recognition. This is a card game, instead of four suits, the cards come with six distinct ways of representing the numbers from 0-10. It comes with 16 easy to play games.
We have many more great activities in store and online that you might like to use to develop your child’s number knowledge and understanding.