Let’s talk blocks.
Who would have thought that some little pieces of wood could bring so much joy to children? Blocks have been a staple in kids play experiences for many many years. And do you know why…..because they are an OPEN-ENDED resource. Yes I’m banging on about open ended toys again! They are just so valuable.

Blocks come in all shapes and sizes, perfect for stacking, building, sorting and manipulating. Different coloured blocks can add interest to children’s creations.

Blocks are a brilliant resource for all areas of Maths development and skills. Give some of these activities a go:
- Sort blocks into different colours and shape groups
- Count blocks one to one, use the blocks as pretend food and share the food at a picnic with your teddies
- Make repeating patterns or Mandalas
- Make 3D objects such as castles, buildings, rocket ships – identify and count the different shapes you can see
- Explore length and height by making tall and short towers, long and short fences or snakes. Roll a dice and play a game - who can make the longest snake by adding blocks together?
- Partition numbers by creating a farm with paddocks. Use 10 animals – how many different ways can you arrange the animals in the paddocks?
- Identify 2D and 3D shape names and properties
- Build tracks and roads, add signs that indicate left and right working on skills of location
- Get out some scales and work on weight – how many blocks are the same weight as a box, or a doll?
- Make your own clocks using the blocks as the numbers
Add in some Literacy skills by making labels for any of these activities above. Write a story or play for your castle, add in some puppets and act it out.

I’m going to chat about one particular block set I love for all ages 1-99 and that is KAPLA blocks. Kapla are small wooden planks of wood, natural or coloured, that can be manipulated to build all sorts of wonderful creations. This is great for developing STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical skills) and are used extensively in many schools I have worked in. Kids and adults of all ages can enjoy creating with these blocks, and Kapla have a variety of books and game cards to challenge those that lack in creative ideas.

You can use Kapla blocks with toy animals, toy cars, figurines, robots etc to extend children’s play. They can also stack them away neatly in the boxes provided.
The options are endless – that’s why I LOVE blocks and all the wonderful play opportunities you can create with such a simple, inexpensive resource.
Kapla and more is available to buy in store. Play, learn, grow.