Time for an adventure through a mystical forest, complete with adorable, tiny pet dragons, magical woodland sprites and brave, adventure seeking heroines; you won’t find any damsels in distress here! This exhilarating, imaginative colouring set includes beautiful pastel markers and sweet sticker sheets that will elevate every artwork to fridge-worthy status.
Our thoughtfully packaged, premium activity sets are designed for mess-free creative play, keeping little ones engaged and relaxed while travelling on flights, in cars, at cafes or at home.● Classic Tiger Tribe colouring set featuring beautiful mystical forest illustrations● Unplugged, screen-free creative play● Includes 36 illustrated colouring pages, 10 pastel and jewel-toned coloured markers and 5 sticker sheets● All packaged neatly in sturdy, magnetic-sealed storage box (14cm x 21cm) ● Great for gifting● Suitable for children ages 4+